Term Limits, redistricting et al
The time for change is upon us. Our country is not changing with the times of the land and our political leaders are abandoning the people of the nation. We the people of the United States must stand up and be heard!!! It is time to throw out all of the politicians who have led us to this sorry state of affairs. I don't just mean the Republicans!!! Lets get some people willing to work for the majority of us. All the politicians seem to just want to get re-elected. Screw the people. Hand them some pork and get back to business as usual. Let's stick term limits on service in both houses like we have on the Presidency. Lets have outside nuetral parties draw the districts for political office. Let's get rid of this huge budget deficit now!!!! Let's change the rules and throw these hacks out of office. The current system will just give us more of the same. There is no shame in admitting the system has broken down. Power has a way of corrupting even the most ethical stalwart. This is the time for change!!! Huge amounts of money are spent each election year trying to keep those in power in power. They hate change. They would lose their cushy job and great healthcare. It sure seems the only time they try and reconnect with thier constituents is at election time. Then they prance about crowing how they got funding for this or that project and how they have served so well. What a bunch of baloney!!!!!. We see thier wonderful campaign ads blasting the challengers character, lifestyle, career choices and so on.
Do we really need this waste of money ? Isn't it about time the Politicians went to work for us. We pay their salaries!!! Aren't we sick of self serving politicians? Let's send the current crop to the unemployment line and show them who they really should be representing. Maybe this is just a dream, maybe the system is incapable of change. I have to believe in the dream though that change is possible.