This site contains the bemused and befuddled ramblings of my highly active but slightly warped brain.
Ban them all
Published on September 24, 2004 By PlatotheWise In Politics
My mind has been bombarded of late with such useless, mindless and truly disgusting information. I mean political ads. Who doesn't hate them? They carry no significant information, just meaningless drivel. They are such a waste of time. Why can't we ban them all? I know the first amendment protects speach and all but come on this has no political content. Let's make debates mandatory for all states. Let them print the complete transcript in the paper. Let the goofballs running for office actually answer questions from the public. Have the networks bid for the right to broadcast them. Maybe that way we could actually end up with candidates who not only know the issues but have a forum to let everyone know just where they stand. I mean really, just 3 debates for the whole country is not enough. Let us take back our political proccess and throw out these incompetent incumbents. If we all work together we can force a change for the better. But then again that's jut my own ramblings. Tell me what you think and how we can change the current process for the better
on Sep 26, 2004
Good blog! Ads should be free to those that are truly educational and not spun for self interests. And town meetings should be mandatory and aired free. 
on Sep 27, 2004
Thanx for agreeing, I was thinking I was alone in the universe, vainly trying to avoid the nasty ads. It can be so frustrating seeing ad after ad with nothing but attacks or fluff, no serious discussion of issues or stances.